Monday, 18 February 2013

Choosing the best half hourly electricity supplier

Knowing that in the last 3 months of 2012 the UK’s major energy companies collectively received more than 15,000 complaints is not quite encouraging. For businesses, this is all the more worrying, due to the larger amount of electricity needed and implicitly higher bills.
Data shows that the majority of the complaints were solved quickly, by the end of the next working day. EDF had the most complaints per 100,000 customers, while Scottish Power had the fewest. This actually prompted EDF to improve the services offered. An EDF spokesman said: “We recognise that last year our customer service levels were not up to the high standard we expect and our customers deserve” but “Our new systems are delivering clear benefits to our customers through clearer, more accurate bills and the introduction of better online services”.

The next in line was Npower followed by E.On , British Gas, SSE and Scottish Power. While Scottish Power had the least complaints, it only resolved 68% of them by the end of the next working day, this meaning the lowest proportion among the big six.
But there is one thing that all the big six share in common: they all increased prices for customers this winter. 

According to BBC news, Ofgem encouraged the companies to use the same format whenever publishing complaints data. The regulator has also compelled them to make it possible for customers to find these figures easily – this means no more than two clicks away from the home page on these sites.

For business, finding impartial advice on electricity rates is crucial. This saves time and can make the difference between an electricity bill that is justified and one that is not. Business Energy Store does this. They also offer a half hourly comparison of prices from all suppliers in the current market. Other advice related to half hour electricity rates is also available.

Why Business Energy Store? Why advice?

Half hourly electricity is the best business solution. Half hourly meters can be found in a range of commercial sites, ranging from large offices to factories, supermarkets and even airports. This means that the meter sends a reading of the electric supply every half hour back to the energy company that is supplying the electricity.

So no need to set a reminder for reading the meters. On top, the process is much more accurate and the bill is not to raise any other concerns.

While there are no doubts in regards to the advantages of half hourly electricity, there are other factors that add up. The right decision always starts with having access to the correct data, and to all the data available. 
The big six that were mentioned in the BBC article are far from being the only suppliers.  

1 comment:

  1. The prices of utilities keeps on varying every few weeks and months interval. The cost effective solution is to find the best utility broker :)

    Half Hourly Electricity
